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Title: Modellingdesign andImplementation of digital powerFactor controller for switched Reluctance motor drive
Researcher: Venkatesan G
Guide(s): Arumugam R
Keywords: Loop speed control
Switched Reluctance Motor
Upload Date: 10-Dec-2014
University: Anna University
Completed Date: 01/12/2009
Abstract: A Switched Reluctance Motor SRM drive is a variable speed motor newlinedrive system with unique characteristics The salient features of SRM are newlinesimple and rugged construction fault tolerant performance low production newlinecost and high power to weight ratio The major problems of SRM are the newlinerequirement of a power controller vibration acoustic noise low power factor newlineand distortion of input current waveform Availability of various power newlineelectronic devices and digital controllers makes SRM drive as an alternative newlineto other conventional variable speed drives for numerous industrial newlineapplications newlineIn this research an investigation is made to improve the power newlinefactor and reduce the total harmonic distortion of SRM A 64 pole prototype newlineSRM drive is considered for the improvement of power factor A boost and newlinebuck converter is used as a power factor controller The SRM is modeled in newlineMATLABSIMULINK with and without power factor controller Three newlineoperating modes of SRM namely single pulse soft chopping and hard newlinechopping modes are employed and results are reported newlineIn order to carry out experimental investigation hardware circuits newlineare designed and developed to improve the power factor and reduce the newlinecurrent harmonics with closed loop speed control newline newline
Pagination: xx, 159p.
Appears in Departments:Faculty of Electrical and Electronics Engineering

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