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Title: Collaborative Design Analysis And Manufacturing of Dental Implant Using Digitalized E and M Manufacturing
Researcher: Sardar Kotresh
Guide(s): Rajashekar Patil
Keywords: Engineering
Engineering and Technology
Engineering Mechanical
University: REVA University
Completed Date: 2020
Abstract: The collaborative structure highlights the integration of information and newlinecommunication technology (ICT), software s and concerned resources in design newlineprocess to collaborate computer-aided design engineers and doctors dispersed newlinegeographically help to get best ideas for an expressed needs/common objective. Active newlinedriving force for development of customized dental implants is due to the advancement newlineof digital technology at fingertips to enhance the quality and reduction in development newlineand manufacturing cycle time. newlineTargeting the errors/expressed needs/impediment of manufacturing, research newlinefocus has shifted to improve flexibility and response quality of operational activities in newlinea digital manufacturing environment (DME). Aim to produce customized implant newlinesecurely, competently, accurately for the first time without rework, and digital newlinemanufacturing offers doctor to represent complete operation digitally using a newlinesmartphone. Digital technology improves dentistry to normal contour, function newlinecomfort, aesthetics, speech, and health with clean and green manufacturing. newline
Appears in Departments:School of Mechanical Engineering

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