Department of Materials Science : [6] Collection home page

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Collection's Items (Sorted by Upload Date in Descending order): 1 to 6 of 6
Upload DateTitleResearcherGuide(s)
11-Aug-2023Studies or the Microbial Degradation of Industrial Efflunets with special reference to TarringP GandhiM. LAKSHMANAN
7-Aug-2023Study of Thermal and Photochemical reactions in CyclodextrinP. VELUSAMYK. PITCH UMANI,C. SRINIVASAN
4-Aug-2023Topics in commutative algebraV.K.SANTHIT.R.SUNDARARAMAN
21-Jul-2023Organic redox reactions on irradiated semiconductor surfacesN. SOMASUNDARAMC. SRINIVASAN
20-Jul-2023Europium luminescence in some oxidic stillwell1te type eulytite typ matricesA.KarthikeyaniR.JAGANNATHAN
19-Oct-2020Preparation characterization and electrochemical applications of some nanostructured metal oxidemetal hydroxide filmsBagavathi MSaraswathi R
Collection's Items (Sorted by Upload Date in Descending order): 1 to 6 of 6