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Title: Certain investigations on route handoff technique using link breakage prediction and bandwidth estimation to improve qos in manet
Researcher: Kalpana V
Guide(s): Karthik S
Keywords: Engineering and Technology
Computer Science
Computer Science Information Systems
handoff technique
breakage prediction
University: Anna University
Completed Date: 2019
Abstract: Technological advancement of Mobile Networks has allowed transmission of data through a network, without any fixed Infrastructure. The Mobile voice and data communication are generally established all over the world and have got a very rapid increase in the number of mobile users to various Mobile networks over the last decade. A Mobile Ad hoc Network typically a Wireless Network consists of a group of Mobile nodes which are self-configured and dynamic networks in which nodes are free to move. A major performance constraint comes from path loss and multipath fading. Due to high Mobility of Mobile nodes in ad hoc networks, a route may not exist for a long time. The proposed Modified Energy Aware Dynamic Source Routing (MEADSR) protocol used to avoid route failure frequently. The Link Breakage Prediction Algorithm (LBPA) is to be added with Modified Aware Dynamic Source Routing (MEADSR) to improve the entire network performance. The Mobile node uses the signal power strength from Received Signal Strength from the received packets to predict the link breakage time and sends a warning message to the source node, if the link is soon-to-be broken. The Energy Efficient Route selection algorithm is used to find the maximum energy nodes with minimum hop count. The source node can perform a pro-active route rebuild to avoid a disconnection. Intermediate nodes in the route continuously monitor the signal strength at the time of communication, based on a predefined threshold signal value. Intermediate node sends a message to the source that the route is likely to be disconnected, if signal strength falls below the threshold value. If source receive this message it starts using backup route will minimizes the time consuming process of finding an alternative route to same extent. Addition of link newline
Pagination: xviii, 141p.
Appears in Departments:Faculty of Information and Communication Engineering

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