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Title: Investigation on machining characteristics of LM6 hybrid metal matrix composites
Researcher: Balasubramanian K
Guide(s): Nataraj M
Keywords: Engineering and Technology
Engineering Mechanical
Metal matrix composites
Silicon alloy LM6
University: Anna University
Completed Date: 2019
Abstract: Conventional metals have limitations in attaining the required newlinecombinations of material behaviours such as strength toughness stiffness newlinehardness corrosion resistance and so on Metal Matrix Composites MMCs have the ability to meet the limitations and growing demand of current technology requirements MMCs have enhanced properties comprising high strength to weight ratio definite modulus improved corrosion and wear properties compared to matrix metals Aluminium and its alloys are important matrix materials for developing low weight high performance composite materials Aluminium silicon alloy LM6 is a commonly used matrix material for composites and that composite is one of the most capable engineering material particularly suitable for making components for automobiles due to their enhanced physical/mechanical properties There has been an increasing interest in composites containing low density, for that a class of light weight ceramic material silicon carbide SiC reinforced MMCs is widely used for automobile and aerospace applications Among the various particulate reinforcements used for developing low density composites fly ash is one of the least expensive and low-density reinforcement Hence composites fabricated with fly ash as reinforcement are probably to overcome the cost barrier for MMCs LM6 LM6/SiC MMC and LM6/Fly ash SiC HMMC were fabricated using stir casing method to carry out this research study Mechanical characterisations of these materials were investigated for the changes in their property due to the addition of reinforcements newline newline
Pagination: XV, 144p.
Appears in Departments:Faculty of Mechanical Engineering

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