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dc.coverage.spatial120 p.
dc.description.abstractAbstract newlineMicro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) play a pivotal role in the growth of Indian Economy, over the years government and other institutions have realised that in order to sustain the growth momentum of India it is important to sustain and develop our MSME sector. Therefore various support schemes and programs are being formulated for the development of MSMEs, out of various schemes by Indian Government which are targeted to provide support to MSMEs in different ways one such scheme by government of India is Marketing Assistance Scheme and this research work intended to study the effectiveness of that scheme in Ahmedabad district of Gujarat State. In order to conduct a detailed study out of various government schemes researcher selected marketing assistance schemes for MSMEs provided by central government through National Small Industry Corporation (NSIC), Almost 150 research articles were being referred by the researcher to explore information related to MSME sector of India and Gujarat, post literature review researcher approached NSIC and was able to get a list of MSMEs which had availed support under marketing assistance scheme in last three years viz 2015-16, 2016-17, and 2017-18 from Ahmedabad district. A list of 116 units was being provided by NSIC and out of these 116 MSMEs primary data was collected from 98 units to meet research objectives, Other than these 98 units another 82 units which had not applied or availed support under marketing assistance scheme were being surveyed by the researcher to unearth the reasons for not availing benefits under government scheme. A systematic research methodology was being followed to collect the information and to analyze the information provided by the MSMEs. Univariate, Bi Variate and Multi Variate statistical methods were applied to analyze the information and T test, one way Anova, Chi Square test and Exploratory Factor Analysis were used to test the research assumptions. At last this research work corroborates that Majority of the MSMEs which had avai
dc.format.extent120 p,
dc.titleA Study on Effectiveness of Marketing Assistance Schemes For Micro Small and Medium Enterprises MSMEs Provided By Central Government in Gujarat with Special Reference to Ahmedabad District
dc.title.alternativeEffectiveness of Marketing Assistance
dc.creator.researcherPareek Prashant Nandkishor
dc.subject.keywordEngineering and Technology
dc.contributor.guideRaval Rahul
dc.publisher.universityC.U. Shah University
Appears in Departments:Management

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