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Title: Study of Biochemical hormonal and enzymatic parameters of the malnourished children of satpuda region before and after giving nutritional biscuits treatment
Researcher: Pingale S.A.
Guide(s): Patil V.W.
Keywords: Clinical Medicine
Clinical Pre Clinical and Health
Medicine General and Internal
University: Maharashtra University of Health Sciences
Completed Date: January 2013
Abstract: In India, child malnutrition is responsible for 22% of the country s burden of newlinedisease. Development of local therapeutic nutritional intervention is highly newlinerecommended by WHO. Present study was designed to evaluate the efficacy of the newlinenutritional intervention, as well as to study HRI (heme regulated inhibitor) gene newlineexpression, to suggest it as a molecular marker for the early detection of iron newlinedeficiency anemia in malnourished children also to find anthropometric marker and newlinedifferent correlations of study parameters. newline Depending on the results and significant improvements observed in the biochemical, newlineanthropometric, enzymatic, parameters after NIT, we conclude that it is the effective newlinefood supplement for the recovery of the SAM children having iron deficiency newlineanemia and the HRI can be used as a molecular marker for the early prognosis of newlineiron deficiency anemia this early arrest could decrease the mortality rate, while newlineMCH can be used as a preliminary sub-marker, to guess probable expression level of newlineHRI. We also conclude that weight for height% can be suggested as a newline anthropometric marker for the pre-indication of impaired lipid metabolism and newlinefatty liver and the highest proportion of wasted and stunted children were found at newlinethe study site. newline
Pagination: 1-378
Appears in Departments:Medical Biochemistry

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