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Title: Taxonomic studies on family Geometridae (Lepidoptera) from western ghats of India
Researcher: Goyal, Tarun
Guide(s): Singh, Jagbir
Keywords: Zoology
Werstern ghats of India
Upload Date: 10-Oct-2011
University: Punjabi University
Completed Date: November, 2010
Abstract: The research work has been carried out on an entomological problem entitled, “Taxonomic studies on family Geometridae (Lepidoptera) from Western Ghats of India”. The whole thesis is divided into seven chapters viz., Introduction, Review of literature, Materials, methods and procedure of study, Observations, General conclusions and scope for further research, Summary and Literature cited. INTRODUCTION • In this chapter, the role of taxonomy for the conservation of biodiversity is discussed in brief and also pointed out that insect diversity plays a greater role in the overall understanding of biodiversity. • Lepidoptera is the third largest order of class Insecta and family Geometridae is the second largest group of moths in this order in terms of species richness and numerical strength. • The diagnostic features of family Geometridae are highlighted. Besides this, the classification of this family has also been discussed. The classification given by Scoble (1999) has been followed in the present study. • Family Geometridae is of immense economic significance. Some of the important and serious pests of this group are mentioned under the heading economic importance. • The topography of Western Ghats of India is also given in brief.
Pagination: 279p.
Appears in Departments:Department of Zoology

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