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dc.coverage.spatialModeling for component selection Assembly and quality assurance of Component based softwareen_US
dc.description.abstractnewlineThe rapid increase of computer based systems in modern newlineengineering field is helping the gradual replacement of traditional systems newlinewith software based systems The increasing complexity of software newlineapplications is making conventional methods and tools of software newlinedevelopment insufficient Delivering high quality software for real world newlineapplications is difficult within the deadline period of user demand A wide newlinerange of software engineering paradigms have been recently devised either to newlinemake the engineering process easier or to extend the complexity of newlineapplications that can feasibly be built Major changes are taking place in newlinelarge scale software intensive systems development and updation To meet newlinemany challenges software development must be able to cope with complexity newlineand to adapt quick changes If new software products are each time to be newlinedeveloped from scratch these goals cannot be achieved The key to the newlinesolution to this problem is reusability From this perspective component newlinebased software development appears as a promising technique for solving the newlineproblems mentioned above This technique consists of modular design and newlinedevelopment of applications based on software components developed newlineindependently and suitably combined to compose the final application newlineComponent based software development consists of the following newlinesequence of processes component selection, component adaptation, newlinecomponent assembly software evolution and maintenance This research newlinefocuses on the quality improvement of Component Based Software CBS newlinesystems by tuning the component selection and assembly process and also newlineimproving the reliability of CBS through Quality Function Deployment newline newlineen_US
dc.format.extentxviii, 126p.en_US
dc.titleModeling for component selection Assembly and quality assurance of Component based softwareen_US
dc.creator.researcherVijayalakshmi Ken_US
dc.subject.keywordComponent Based Softwareen_US
dc.subject.keywordQuality Function Deploymenten_US
dc.description.notereference p116-123.en_US
dc.contributor.guideRamaraj Nen_US
dc.publisher.universityAnna Universityen_US
dc.publisher.institutionFaculty of Information and Communication Engineeringen_US,en_US
Appears in Departments:Faculty of Information and Communication Engineering

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