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Title: Stabilization of power system Including grid connected windfarms Using facts controllers
Researcher: Senthil kumar N
Guide(s): Abdullah khan M
Keywords: Flexible A C Transmission system
Power System Stabilizers
Single machine infinite bus
Upload Date: 20-Nov-2014
University: Anna University
Completed Date: 01/06/2010
Abstract: As power systems became interconnected areas of generation were newlinefound to be prone to electromechanical oscillations These oscillations have newlinebeen observed in many power systems worldwide With increased loading newlineconditions and interconnections the transmission system becomes weak and newlineinadequate also load characteristics add to the problem causing spontaneous newlineoscillations and power interruptions newlinePower System Stabilizers PSS are widely used to damp out newlineelectromechanical oscillations With increase in transmission line loading the newlineparameters of the power system stabilizers have to be retuned in accordance newlinewith the operating condition Flexible A C Transmission system FACTS newlinecontrollers used in power systems for power flow and voltage control when newlineprovided with supplementary damping controllers are found to be effective newlinecandidates for damping power system oscillations newlineFirst a single machine infinite bus SMIB system was chosen for newlinecarrying out detailed investigations on different FACTS based stabilizers A newlinegeneralized small signal stability model based on current injections of FACTS newlinedevices is developed for the SMIB system The series FACTS devices newline TCSC SSSC are represented as a single current injection in either nodes of newlinea line If the device is a shunt connected device SVC STATCOM newline newline
Pagination: xxiv, 141p.
Appears in Departments:Faculty of Electrical and Electronics Engineering

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