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Title: Artificial neural network Controlled energy saver for Induction motor drive
Researcher: Jamuna V
Guide(s): Rama reddy S
Keywords: Metal oxide semiconductor field effect transistor
Pulse width modulation
Upload Date: 20-Nov-2014
University: Anna University
Completed Date: 01/12/2009
Abstract: Voltage controllers are applied as motor soft starters and sometimes newlineas energy savers reducing the flux level in induction motors in accordance newlinewith the load However the use of a practical voltage controller results in newlineconsiderable harmonic distortion and substantial additional losses which newlinereduce the net energy saving The use of pulse width modulated AC chopper newlineeliminates this drawback partially The main problems associated with AC newlinechoppers are the high harmonic contents in the supply and motor currents newlinevery poor power factor at light loads and low efficiency Modern pulse width newlinemodulation PWM techniques can help in modifying these parameters newlineDue to the growing demand for improving the performance of newlinemotor drives there is an increasing need to improve the quality and reliability newlineof the drive circuit AC to AC converter schemes using pulse width newlinemodulation have been proved to achieve substantial advantages over newlineconventional line commutated AC controllers With increasing availability newlineand power capability of metal oxide semiconductor field effect transistor newline MOSFET and insulated gate bipolar transistor IGBT switches PWM newlineconverters can efficiently and economically be used in low and medium newlinepower applications newline newline
Pagination: xxvii, 155p.
Appears in Departments:Faculty of Electrical and Electronics Engineering

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