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Title: Development of a model for the successful implementation of agile manufacturing systems in indian manufacturing industries
Researcher: Ajay guru dev C
Guide(s): Senthil Kumar V S
Keywords: Engineering and Technology,Engineering,Engineering Manufacturing
Agile Manufacturing
Indian Manufacturing industries
University: Anna University
Completed Date: 2018
Abstract: Tremendous developments have been witnessed in the recent years in the Agile Manufacturing arena. Both researchers and practitioners are highly benefited. Particularly the different models developed by various researchers newlinehave been utilized by practitioners for imparting agility in their organisations. newlineThe term agility is defined as the capacity of an organisation which pursues to newlinecope up with demand instability by allowing changes in a financially viable newlineand a timely manner in the perspective of production . Agility with its newlinebroader scope is applicable to the enterprise level and even beyond to the newlineformation of virtual enterprises adapting to changes being its main motto. newlineHowever, the small gap of span that still exists in the developed models newlinerelates to the practical feasibility in incorporating it. Industries find cultivation newlineof these models into their organisation a difficult job. A feasible model which newlinecan resolve this uplift and provide stimulation in the matter of successful newlineimplementation of AM practices is a expected prerequisite. This research newlinework delivers a model with a detailed investigation of agile practices with newlinespecial reference to the Indian manufacturing scenario. A systematic step-by-step procedure was carried out before developing the model. The objective was to overcome this problem. The study starts with a review of literature relating to agile manufacturing concepts to analyze the present need of the Indian industries. newline newline
Pagination: xxi, 160p.
Appears in Departments:Faculty of Mechanical Engineering

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