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Title: Investigations on the development of Total agile design system in a Traditional manufacturing Environment
Researcher: Vinodh S
Guide(s): Sundararaj G
Keywords: Computer Aided Design
Total Agile Design System
Upload Date: 11-Nov-2014
University: Anna University
Completed Date: 01/08/2008
Abstract: During the past several years the design field has been witnessing newlinetremendous developments Both software and hardware features of computers newlineand Information Technology IT are exploited in product design field newlineParticularly several Computer Aided Design CAD models have been newlineunder use by the product designers However there is very little evidence that newlinethe practitioners have adopted these CAD models for enhancing agility in newlineorganizational arena This situation reveals the need of a model to facilitate newlinethe use of CAD features for imparting agility in organizations Agility refers newlineto the capability of an organization to produce any type of product process newlineand service demanded by the customer in any volume in a shorter span of newlinetime without compromising on quality and cost In order to fulfil this need newlineduring the conduct of research being reported in this thesis a model called newlineTotal Agile Design System TADS has been developed for designing newlineproducts quickly and thereby enabling the traditional companies to imbibe newlineagility After designing TADS model to overcome the problem mentioned newlineabove its six phases were subjected to implementation studies in an newlineelectronics switches manufacturing company by name Salzer Electronics newlineLimited hereafter referred to as Salzer newline newline
Pagination: xxvi, 274p.
Appears in Departments:Faculty of Mechanical Engineering

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