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Results 1-10 of 68 (Search time: 0.002 seconds).
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19-Jul-2024Some aspects of the chemistry of 6 7 methylenedioxy and 6 methyl 4 0xoqu inazoli nesNaik, nalinkumar RamanlalPatel, S R
19-Jul-2024Conjugated polymer Synthesis and study of polyschiff basesPatel, Maheshbhai ShankerbhaiPatel, S R
19-Jul-2024Acidity constants of anilinium ionsPatel, Bhupendrabhai PurshottamdasPatel, S R
19-Jul-2024Studies on trimethyl cellulose and celluloseRavi RameshPatel,C M
23-Jul-2024Synthetic studies in oxygen containing heterocycles 1 h 2 benzopyran 1 0nesShah, Kashmita KumudchndraPatel, S R
19-Jul-2024Solution properties of amylose nitrate and amy lose sulfatePatel, Kantilal ShivramPatel, R D
19-Jul-2024Study on polymeriz tion by friedelvcrafts reactionPatel, Jitendrabhai ChotabhaiPatel, V S
19-Jul-2024Studies on a dsorption of high polymersNair, P R MuraleedharanPatel, K C
19-Jul-2024Studies on polymeric resinsPatel, Rajnikant MuljibhaiPatel, K C
19-Jul-2024Studies on synthetic resinsPatel, Rameshbhai, ManilalPatel, K C