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Results 11-20 of 437 (Search time: 0.005 seconds).
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3-Jun-2021Development of novel nitrogen containing heterocyclic frameworks via multi component reactions and their biological screeningPatel, Divyangkumar. M.Patel, H. M.
1-Oct-2021Efficient domino synthesis and biological studies of new pyrazole heterocyclesBrahmbhatt, Guarangkumar. C.Parmar, N. J.
22-May-2023Development Of Metal Organic Frameworks Polymer Electrolytes And Organic Ionic Conductors For Solar Cells And Aqueous Rechargeable BatteriesMachhi Hirenkumar KanchanbhaiSoni Saurabh S
1-May-2023Synthesis structural and antimicrobial studies of novel glycosylated heterocyclesNayak, Riddhiben ArvindKumarMangte, Anvita D
1-May-2023Synthesis characterization applications of multifunctional resinMaheta Jaykumar pRaj Mahendrasinh M
23-Dec-2022Synthesis and characterization of drug carrier from agriculture wasteYogeshkumar, M. Baj.Patel, Nirmal. K.
23-Dec-2022Synthesis and characterizationof drug carrier based on polysaccharidesPatel, Savankumar. K.Patel, Nirmal. K.
2-Jan-2023Formation of heterocyclic molecules and their biological evaluation via environmental and economically viable catalystMahida, Jayaveersinh. K.Patel, Ravi. B.
22-Sep-2023Synthesis Characterization of Substituted Triazole Pyrazole Pyrimidine and 1 3 Diyne Bearing Scaffolds and Their Biological EvaluationMokariya Jaydeep ArjanbhaiPatel Manish P.
9-Nov-2023Preparation and characterization of flexible PVC films using cassia fistula seed oil or its epoxidated formRajput, Chetan VijaysingChikhaliya, Navin P. and Sastry, Nandhibatla V.