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dc.description.abstractThe present investigation was undertaken to estimate the extent of per se performance and heterosis, work out the nature and magnitude of gene action and to identify potential parental lines and cross combinations on the basis of combining ability under organic and inorganic conditions. Eight lines viz., IIS CMS, IIIM CMS, GA(P) M CMS, III-1-1, I-4-6, I-4-4, I-4-3 and SC-5-5-4 and three testers viz., Glory-7, KGAT-1 and E-1-1and-2, and their 24 F1s developed as per line × tester mating design alongwith two standard checks (Varun and KGMR-1) were evaluated in a randomized block design with three replications at organic and inorganic conditions during rabi seasons of 2015-16 and 2016-17. The analysis of variance indicated significant differences among genotypes (G) for marketable head yield and other component traits in all the environments. Significant differences for environment (E) and G × E interaction for most of the traits indicated a definite role of environment on the performance of genotypes/crosses. Variances due to lines, testers and line × tester and their interaction with environment were significant for most of the traits under organic and inorganic conditions, indicating the importance of testing parents as well as cross combinations across environments. The parental lines viz., IIS CMS and I-4-3 under organic conditions and III-I-I and I-4-6 under inorganic conditions, whereas, the testers KGAT-1 and Glory-7 under organic conditions and inorganic conditions, respectively were the most promising general combiners for marketable head yield and component traits. On the basis of specific combining ability, heterosis and per se performance for marketable head yield and related traits, cross combinations viz., I-4-4 × Glory-7, I-4-3 × KGAT-1 and III-I-I × KGAT-1 under organic conditions and I-4-6 × Glory-7, III-I-I × KGAT-1 and IIIM CMS × E-1-1and-2 under inorganic conditions were the most promising as they surpassed the standard checks (Varun and KGMR-1). Overall, III-I-I × KGAT-1 was the most promising cross combination among the top hybrids under organic and inorganic conditions. For most of the traits important from commercial point of view, there was preponderance of non-additive gene action, which reaffirms the importance of hybrids in cabbage. There was differential response of different genotypes to organic and inorganic conditions. This necessitates the separate breeding programme to identify potential genotypes responsive to organic and inorganic input conditions. newline
dc.format.extentxii, 236
dc.titleCMS and SI based heterosis and combining ability studies under organic and inorganic conditions in cabbage Brassica oleracea var capitata L
dc.creator.researcherNitish Kumar
dc.contributor.guideChadha Sanjay
dc.publisher.universityChaudhary Sarwan Kumar Himachal Pradesh Krishi Vishvavidyalaya
dc.publisher.institutionDepartment of Vegetable Science
Appears in Departments:Department of Vegetable Science

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