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Title: Development of energy forecasting model using artificial neural network and optimal electricity allocation model using fuzzy linear programming for india
Researcher: Jebaraj S
Guide(s): Iniyan S
Keywords: artificial neural network
fuzzy linear programming
mechanical engineering
Upload Date: 10-Nov-2014
University: Anna University
Completed Date: 01/03/2006
Abstract: Energy is a vital input for social and economic development of any newlinenation With increasing agricultural and industrial activities in India the newlinedemand for energy is also increasing At the time of Independence the newlineinstalled capacity of electricity generation was only 1300 MW and it is newlineincreased to 114000 MW by March 2005 It is expected to double in the next newlinedecade due to industrialization population growth and improvement in newlinelifestyle of the people The future energy demand has to be quantified by newlineusing forecasting techniques which will enable energy policy makers to take newlinesuitable policy decisions in advance Though the energy demand is predicted newlineusing various forecasting techniques an accurate method is needed to arrive newlineat a realistic energy demand for the future newline newline
Pagination: xxxiii, 246p.
Appears in Departments:Faculty of Mechanical Engineering

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