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Title: Studies on non chemical weed management and planting geometry in dry direct seeded rice oryza sativa l cultivars
Researcher: Nagargade, Mona
Guide(s): Singh, Manoj Kumar
Keywords: dry direct seeded rice oryza sativa l cultivars
University: Banaras Hindu University
Completed Date: 2018
Abstract: Rice (OryzasativaL.) is a food basket for more than 60 % of the world s population and newlineplays a crucial role in the economic and social stability of the world. India is the second largest newlineproducer of rice only after China. Globally rice is produced in 160.6 mha area with production of newline490.3 mt during 2015-2016 (FAO, 2016). In India, area under cultivation of rice is around 44 m newlineha with production of 109.70 million tonnes during 2016-2017 (Anonymous, 2018). Uttar newlinePradesh is the largest rice growing state only after West Bengal in country, in which it is raised newlineover an area of about 5.87 m ha with the production of 12.22 million tonnes (Anonymous, 2015). newline
Appears in Departments:Department of Agronomy

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