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Title: Role stress a career stage comparison
Researcher: Haider, Yasmeen
Guide(s): Supriya, M V
Keywords: science and humanities
stage comparison
Upload Date: 3-Nov-2014
University: Anna University
Completed Date: 01/04/2009
Abstract: Career stage is one of the most dynamic areas of research today newlineHall 1976 observed that people in different career stages have different newlineneeds expectations attitude perception and behavior The current study is newlinebased on the premise that the nature of role stress experienced at each career newlinestage also differs The study attempts to understand this difference newlineAn attempt is also made to study if the nature of moderating effect newlineof variables such as motivation locus of control and selfefficacy on the newlinestresscommitment and stresssatisfaction relationship also differs across newlinecareer stages The findings of the study would help the administration to newlinedesign specific stress intervention programs for different career stages newline newline
Pagination: xviii, 243p.
Appears in Departments:Faculty of Science and Humanities

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