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Title: Differential activation of apoptotic mediators by piper longum extract and its bioactive molecule in two different adenocarcinoma cells in vitro
Researcher: Venkata Krishnan, V
Guide(s): Lakshmi, B S
Keywords: adenocarcinoma cells
piper longum
science and humanities
Upload Date: 3-Nov-2014
University: Anna University
Completed Date: 01/06/2009
Abstract: Cancer is a large group of diseases that arises from malfunction in newlinebiological cells and characterized by uncontrolled cell proliferation abnormal newlinecell cycle regulation and resistance to cell death apoptosis resistance newlineultimately disrupting the organization of tissue Despite significant newlineinvestments in capital manpower and intellectual innovations for the newlinedevelopment of cancer therapies over the past several decades cancer still newlineremains a powerful threat with high mortality rates across the globe Tumor newlineinitiation begins with the accumulation of multigene mutations which are the newlineresult of the interaction between genetic host factors inherited mutations newlinehormones immune conditions and mutations that occur from metabolism newlineand external agents which may act together or in sequence to initiate orand newlinethen promote carcinogenesis newline newline
Pagination: xxiii, 151p.
Appears in Departments:Faculty of Science and Humanities

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