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Title: Pilot plant studies on industrial Hydrocracking process and its Integration with other refinery Processes
Researcher: Valavarasu, G
Guide(s): Balu, K
Keywords: Hydrotreating hydrocracking
Pilot plant studies
Upload Date: 20-Oct-2014
University: Anna University
Completed Date: 01-03-2006
Abstract: Pilot plant experiments were carried out to generate extensive data newlineon the performance of a distillate selective hydrotreating hydrocracking newlinecatalyst system procured from an industrial catalyst supplier The conversion newlineproduct yield distribution and product quality of various fractions obtained newlinefrom pilot plant hydrocracking experiments were studied using different newlinefeedstocks such as vacuum gas oil and blends of vacuum gas oil and solvent newlinedeasphalted oil collected from industrial units newlines newline newline
Pagination: xxxii, 300p.
Appears in Departments:Faculty of Technology

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