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Title: Studies on r22 window airconditioner Retrofitted with r407c and internal Heat exchanger
Researcher: Vijayan, R
Guide(s): Srinivasan, P S S
Keywords: Control Vapour compression
Internal Heat exchanger
Upload Date: 20-Oct-2014
University: Anna University
Completed Date: 01-12-2008
Abstract: Air conditioners are widely used for personal comfort and process newlineControl Vapour compression refrigeration system occupies over 90 of the newlineApplications Due to environmental problems refrigerant R12 has been newlinephased out and R22 is in pipeline Efforts are ongoing to find out a suitable newlinealternative to R22 Efforts are made to improve the performance of small as newlinewell as large capacity systems In this direction in the present research work newline performance of small capacity one TR R22 systems is tested without and newlinewith an internal heat exchanger to enhance the performance and ii the effect newlineof retrofitting R22 system with R407C are studied newline newline
Pagination: xviii, 115p.
Appears in Departments:Faculty of Mechanical Engineering

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