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Results 11-20 of 29 (Search time: 0.003 seconds).
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9-Nov-2021Innovative augmentation of impedance transformation in the design of highly flexible multifunctional RF microwave circuits and componentsGupta, RahulHashmi, Mohammad S
2-Jun-2021Highly flexible dual and tri band impedance transformation techniques and their applications in advanced passive and active circuitsBanerjee, DeepayanHashmi, Mohammad S
10-May-2023Cooperative control strategies for autonomous agents using nonlinear model predictive controlM, AmithSujit, PB
18-Nov-2022Low complexity reconfigurable physical layer for the l band digital aeronautical communications systemAgrawal, NiharikaDarak, Sumit J.
30-Nov-2022User mobility aware device to device and aerial communication networksPeer, MansiBohara, Vivek Ashok and Srivastava, Anand
4-Jan-2023High throughputs and information freshness over the internet via transport layer advancementsShreedhar, TanyaKaul, Sanjit Krishnan
4-Jan-2023Learning algorithms for non intrusive load monitoringSingh, ShikhaMajumdar, Angshul
21-Jan-2023Design and performance analysis of indoor visible light communication system considering human blockagesSingh, Anand.Srivastava, Anand and Bohara, Vivek Ashok
31-Mar-2023Design of multiband broadband Passive circuits and their application in RF power amplifiersSaxena, AntraHashmi, Mohammad S
20-Feb-2023Performance analysis of future wireless communication systems under residual hardware impairmentsShaikh, Mohd Hamza NaimSrivastava, Anand and Bohara, Vivek Ashok