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Title: Naturally acquired fungal infections in animals their serology and in vitro sensitivity with some antifungal compounds
Researcher: Rani,Jyoti
Guide(s): Singh,Karuna;Tiwari,K.N.
Keywords: Life Sciences,Plant and Animal Science,Zoology
University: Banaras Hindu University
Completed Date: 2014
Abstract: newline
Appears in Departments:Department of Zoology

Files in This Item:
File Description SizeFormat 
01_abstract.docxAttached File53.06 kBMicrosoft Word XMLView/Open
02_certificates, acknowledgements, list of fig & tables, contents, preface.docx419.47 kBMicrosoft Word XMLView/Open
03_ general introduction.docx626.81 kBMicrosoft Word XMLView/Open
04_ review of literature.docx66.29 kBMicrosoft Word XMLView/Open
05_materials & methods.docx307.43 kBMicrosoft Word XMLView/Open
06_chapter 1.docx1.24 MBMicrosoft Word XMLView/Open
07_ chapter 2.docx2.62 MBMicrosoft Word XMLView/Open
08_chapter 3.docx4.99 MBMicrosoft Word XMLView/Open
09_chapter 4.docx627.37 kBMicrosoft Word XMLView/Open
10_chapter 5.docx641.05 kBMicrosoft Word XMLView/Open
11_consolidated summary & conclusion.docx48.85 kBMicrosoft Word XMLView/Open
12_bibliography.docx182.67 kBMicrosoft Word XMLView/Open
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