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Title: Synthesis and characterization of photosensitive epoxy resin containing dual functionality in the main chain for negative photoresist applications
Researcher: Balakrishnan P S
Guide(s): Murugavel S C
Keywords: containing dual functionality
photosensitive epoxy resin
science and humanities
Upload Date: 9-Oct-2014
University: Anna University
Completed Date: 01/02/2010
Abstract: Photosensitive polymers have received considerable attention in the newlinerecent past owing to their applications as photoresists to make integrated newlinecircuits photocurable coatings photorecorders printing plates optical newlinememory devices and energy exchange materials Polymers employed for these newlineapplications should possess one of the photoreactive groups like cinnamoyl newlinecoumaroyl azide arylidene cyclic carbonate and stilbene The newlinephotosensitivity of these materials is mainly based on the electron density of newlinethe photoactive chromophore Photoresist materials are of two kinds positive newlineand negative photoresists Positive photoresists become soluble in developers newlineon exposure to UV light In negative photoresists the photochemistry that newlineoccurs on irradiation renders the material less soluble in the developer the newlineunirradiated parts of the coating are washed away and a negative polymer newlineimage of the original pattern remains on the substrate newline
Pagination: xxiii,184p.
Appears in Departments:Faculty of Science and Humanities

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