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Title: A Critical Analysis of Coal Marketing Strategies of Coal India Limited_A Case Study of BCCL in Dhanbad
Researcher: Choudhury Somnath Roy
Guide(s): Prasad, G. C.
Keywords: Marketing strategies
Social Sciences,Economics and Business,Management
University: Vinoba Bhave University
Completed Date: 2018
Abstract: For the successful business to run marketing is a key factor, same arise in Coal mines newlineindustries. Mining industries is non renewable natural resources that cannot be newlinemanufacture but it is possible to make customised product as per the size and quality of newlinecoal in power sector or steel sector. Research topic is based on public sector miniratna newlineunder taken company name Bharat Coking Coal Ltd (BCCL) is situated at Koyla Nagar, newlineDhanbad district at Jharkhand, established in the year 1972 for operating coal mines, newline214 numbers of mines operating at Jharia and Raniganj coalfields region on 16th newlineOctober 1971. BCCL consist 18 opencast, 40 underground and 23 mixed mines which newlineincludes on April 2017.Non coking washeries and captive power plant (2 by 10 newlinemegawatt), five by product coke plants and 13 mines grouped for convenience of newlineadministrative purposes. Coal contributes 50% of total energy production. After post newlinenationalisation coal India ltd uprising 72 million tones to 550 million tones of coal newlineproduction. Marketing strategy of BCCL are based on Marketing Mix i.e. Product, newlinePrice, Place and promotion. Power industry is an important to increase demand of coal. newlineIncrease in economic activity like increase in steel product also result in increasing newlinedemand for coal. In India prices of the coal are regulated by government policies rather newlinethan market forces.BCCL production contributes 85% coking coal and 15% non coking newlinecoal. Through Fuel supply Agreement (FSA) BCCL supplies coal to power, fertilizer newlineand defence and for other sectors coal is marketed and sold through e auction. India is newlinethe 3rd largest coal producing country among the world after China and USA.CIL took newlinethe leverage of e auction by MSTC and m junction of coal. Researchers focus on newlinemarketing strategies for better marketability of Coal. newline
Pagination: 218 Pages, including Cover page
Appears in Departments:University Department of Commerce and Management

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