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Title: Nucleation kinetics growth structural optical and dielectric studies of dicarboxylic acid based semiorganic single crystals
Researcher: Senthilkumar C
Guide(s): Rajesh P
Keywords: Dicarboxylic Acid
Nucleation Kinetics
Physical Sciences,Chemistry,Chemistry Analytical
University: Anna University
Completed Date: 2018
Abstract: newline As per the current and futuristic need of advanced technology and optical industries the optical materials are demanded in the form of single crystals for broad applications such as laser technology, electronics, photonics, frequency conversion and so on. Single crystals of materials which are having good crystalline perfection, optical transmittance, piezoelectricity, dielectric, mechanical and thermal properties have been required because of their broad applications. Considerable progress and impressive achievements have been got in bulk crystal growth during the last six decades. Since recent years the newlinesemi-organic crystals have been attracted due to their interesting physical and chemical properties. In this view, the present thesis deals with nucleation kinetics, crystal growth, physical and chemical properties of dicarboxylic acid based semi-organic single crystals. newlineThe first chapter discusses the historical overview of crystal growth, nucleation kinetics, methods of crystal growth and overview of semi-organic single crystals. Chapter two deals with nucleation kinetics, growth, structural, crystalline perfection, optical, thermal, mechanical, dielectric and chemical etching analysis of lithium hydrogen oxalate monohydrate single crystal. Semiorganic single crystal lithium hydrogen oxalate monohydrate has been grown by slow evaporation solution growth technique. newline
Pagination: xxiv,129p
Appears in Departments:Faculty of Science and Humanities

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