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Title: Performance Analysis of Ocular Disease Diagnosis Iridology for Person Identification
Researcher: Preethi DMD
Guide(s): Jayanthi VE
Keywords: Engineering and Technology,Computer Science,Computer Science Information Systems
Hough Transform
University: Anna University
Completed Date: 2018
Abstract: Presently secured system is a challenging task for the system administrator. Biometrics uses irises to identify a person using existing database information. Human iris structure is not the same throughout the life span. It may get affected structurally and texturally due to many reasons. The structural changes are not encountered in the existing human identification system. So, the present iris system may fail. Retinal structures are affected by various diseases such as exudate, cataract, and glaucoma. Structural changes may occur due to many reasons like surgery, medication, diseases. Based on symptoms, clinicians can identified various diseases in iris and confirmed with scanned images. A single ended symptom based neuro fuzzy computer aided iris disease diagnosis system is designed to assist the clinicians. For this design initially a specific algorithm is chosen to identify the disease like exudate, cataract, glaucoma and the structural changes occurred due to disease with the help of performance analysis. newline
Pagination: xvii,120p.
Appears in Departments:Faculty of Information and Communication Engineering

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