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Title: A Strategic Policy Framework For Good Governance in the State of Punjab
Researcher: Kalsi, Nirmaljeet Singh
Guide(s): Kiran, Ravi and Vaidya, S. C.
University: Thapar Institute of Engineering and Technology
Completed Date: 2009
Abstract: The rapid development, deployment and proliferation of the new and emerging information and communication technologies (ICTs) herald new opportunities for growth and development in countries around the world. ICT has been recognized as the engine for growth and a source of energy for the social and economic empowerment of any country, specially a third world country. Relationship between Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) is coming to be recognized increasingly world over. ICT is the biggest change agent in flattening the world. It is also the biggest leveler for inclusive governance. Governments worldwide are seeking to harness the potential offered by these new technologies to create new dimensions of economic and social progress. Today, governments are empowering masses through IT as it can prove to be effective short-cut to higher levels of equity in the emerging Global Digital Networked Information Economy. Framing Information and Communication Technology Strategies and Policies, especially in the public domain, are complex exercises which encompass a variety of issues covering areas such as infrastructure, human challenges, technology, architecture, standards, administrative, information, security, financial, legal, privacy, quality of service etc, and above all the aspirations and expectation of the citizens. newlineThe enthusiasm for realizing the potential of ICTs is often dampened by the barriers to successful strategic policy formulation as well as its implementation. This research is an effort to study firstly, the shared vision of all stakeholders about Good Governance in the Indian context through Participatory Stakeholder Assessment and secondly, whether the new information and communication technologies can make a significant contribution to the achievement of the objective of good governance. This study discusses the need for transformation from traditional governance to e-governance.
Pagination: xiv, 224p.
Appears in Departments:School of Humanities and Social Sciences

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