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dc.coverage.spatialCoverage Investigations on Secure Data Aggregation Algorithm in Wireless Sensor Networks
dc.description.abstractThese days lot of technological developments in wireless sensor networks both in hardware and software point of view will lead to its usage in almost all types of applications military, surveillance, environmental monitoring etc. Sensors are limited in battery, memory and processing ability, small in size and low-cost devices preferred to use in a remote area and accessed through an unreliable wireless environment. Hence it is necessary to provide secure communication with accuracy for sensor networks. Usually, sensors are placed in a group to measure the data from its surrounding environment. So almost all the sensors will measure more or less same data. If we transmit all the same data from all the sensors, it leads to wastage of newlinepower and energy and also the sensors are limited in the battery, placed in a remote area it is very important to reduce the consumption of energy as much as possible. At this moment we need to save the energy of sensors to prolong the lifetime and also to provide security over the network. There have been many research work is proposed to handle this problem. However, all the requirements of security are not discussed in the existing same secure data aggregation algorithm. In this research, a reputation based algorithm is proposed to achieve all the requirements of security with reduced newlinecommunication overhead. The main objective of the thesis is to design a secure data newlineaggregation algorithm to meet all the requirements of security with less communication overhead. In the first study, an ECC and pattern based end-toend newlinesecure data aggregation are proposed. In this algorithm, clustering is formed by a LEACH_KED algorithm and data aggregation is done by pattern-based data aggregation algorithm. newline newline
dc.format.extentxvi, 126p.
dc.titleInvestigations on secure data aggregation algorithm in wireless sensor networks
dc.creator.researcherLathamanju R
dc.subject.keywordAggregation Algorithm
dc.subject.keywordEngineering and Technology,Computer Science,Computer Science Interdisciplinary Applications
dc.subject.keywordSecure Data
dc.subject.keywordWireless Sensor Networks
dc.contributor.guideSenthil Kumar P
dc.publisher.universityAnna University
dc.publisher.institutionFaculty of Information and Communication Engineering
dc.format.dimensions21 cm
Appears in Departments:Faculty of Information and Communication Engineering

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01_title.pdfAttached File22.93 kBAdobe PDFView/Open
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03_abstract.pdf6.69 kBAdobe PDFView/Open
04_acknowledgement.pdf10.08 kBAdobe PDFView/Open
05_table_of_contents.pdf12.81 kBAdobe PDFView/Open
06_list_of_symbols_and_abbreviations.pdf3.97 kBAdobe PDFView/Open
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