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Title: An investigation on indirect matrix converters using space vector modulation
Researcher: Saravanan M
Guide(s): Sivakumarant S
Keywords: Engineering and Technology,Engineering,Engineering Electrical and Electronic
Matrix Converters
Vector Modulation
University: Anna University
Completed Date: 2018
Abstract: The Matrix Converter is an attractive topology of the power converter for a variable speed AC drive application, which converts the AC to AC in a single stage. The advantage of the matrix converter is its capability of producing a variable output voltage with unrestricted input and output frequency, the absence of electrolytic capacitors, and the potential to increase the power density, reduced the size, reduced weight and better input power quality. However, industrial applications of these converters are limited because of some practical issues such as complex control strategies, high susceptibility to input power disturbances, common mode voltage effects and low voltage transfer ratio. Recently, matrix converters have experienced a newlineresurgence of attention due to the advancements in the semiconductor device industry and the growth of processor technologies, which promises practical implementation of matrix converters in the control of drives. Matrix converters are frequency converters which do not contain a direct current link circuit with passive components, unlike conventional frequency converters. Thus, matrix converters may provide a solution for applications where large passive components are not allowed, or a purely semiconductor-based solution provides an economically more efficient result than conventional frequency converters. However, the lack of a link circuit may also be a drawback in non-ideal operation conditions and the linear structure also places restrictions on converter capability. This thesis concerns more about different space vector newline newline
Pagination: xxxii,153p.
Appears in Departments:Faculty of Electrical Engineering

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