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Title: A novel study on corrosive maintenance enhancement procedure for magnesium based components through hybrid nano particle coatings
Researcher: Mohan Das Gandhi A G
Guide(s): Soorya Prakash K
Keywords: Engineering and Technology,Engineering,Engineering Mechanical
University: Anna University
Completed Date: 2018
Abstract: Magnesium (Mg) have always proven to be superlative for manufacturing weight receptive product necessitates incase of aircrafts, LMVs and for any other transportation needs. Even though, considering all sorts of motor vehicles, the percentage of Mg used was comparatively low and that too accounts for only a very lesser amount (say 5 Kg for a standard vehicle). Upon observations over the prevails, it could well be said that the key reason for all such disinclination in usage of Mg majorly confines towards its resistance against corrosion above and beyond the disappointing performance at elevated temperature ranges; furthermore even if produced, the same will definitely lend in for huge finances by the way of maintenance. Nevertheless of the sayings, it is well established by the way of exhaustive researches that certain addition of reinforcements to Mg alloy will cause for enhancements in mechanical properties, thermal stability and even for certain other vital properties so as to enclose widespread applications. At this outlook, usually carbon based materials have concern for prominent research attentions and have also nurtured as an momentous group of newer materials suitable for serving many applications of engineering background mainly owing to their fascinating mechanical, electrical and thermal properties. newline newline newline
Pagination: xx, 121p.
Appears in Departments:Department of Mechanical Engineering

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