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Title: Invulnerable security methods for Mobile rfid environment
Researcher: Sandhya, M
Guide(s): Rangaswamy, T R
Keywords: Defense Customs
Information and communication Engineering
Radio Frequency Identification
Wireless technology
Upload Date: 22-Sep-2014
University: Anna University
Completed Date: 01-10-2011
Abstract: Radio Frequency Identification RFID is a contactless identification newlinetechnology that enables automated gathering and sending of information newlinebetween RFID tags and readers using a wireless link Further the mobile newlineRFID system is a novel application to use mobile phone as RFID reader with newlinea wireless technology and provides new valuable services to user by newlineintegrating RFID system and wireless mobile communication system Mobile newlineRFID systems play major roles in Defense Customs and Border Protection newlineindustries like Atomic power plants Refineries etc Despite many newlineprospective applications mobile RFID technology has several security related newlineproblems such as Eavesdropping Cloning Replay and Tampering attacks newlinewhich should be resolved efficiently Several researchers addressed security newlineissues with different approaches and most of them are based on fixed newlineconventional RFID readers only One of the main drawbacks is the weak newlineauthentication systems between a reader and a tag In general weak newlineauthentication systems either leak the password directly over the network or newlineleak sufficient information while performing authentication that allow newlineintruders to deduce or guess the password newline
Pagination: xvi, 157p.
Appears in Departments:Faculty of Information and Communication Engineering

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