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Title: Developing the speaking skills of the engineering students in the english classroom
Researcher: Venkateswara U
Guide(s): Divya john
Keywords: Arts and Humanities,Language,Language and Linguistics
University: Anna University
Completed Date: 2018
Abstract: The study undertaken, Developing the Speaking Skills of the newlineEngineering Students in the English Classroom, is based on the syllabi of newlineTechnical English I and II prescribed for the first-year engineering students of newlineSemester I and II at Anna University, Chennai, Regulation 2013. The focus of newlinethe investigation is the speaking skills component of the syllabi. The newlineDepartment of English, Anna University, offers 3 English courses for its newlineaffiliated colleges at the undergraduate level: Technical English I for newlineSemester I, Technical English II for Semester II and Communication Skills newlineLab for Semester V or VI. Both Technical English I and II are 4-credit courses, newlineand Communication Skills Lab is a 2-credit course. In all, English has 10 newlinecredits forming an important constituent in deciding the cumulative grade newlinepoint average of a student. The syllabi of the Technical English courses newlinefollowed by the colleges affiliated to Anna University are based on English newlinefor Specific Purposes (ESP) and designed to enhance the English LSRW newlineskills of the students.The first chapter, English Language Teaching and the Speaking newlineSkills in the Engineering Classroom, highlights the following: the newlineeducational set-up in Indian institutions; English language teaching and the newlineLSRW skills in the Indian context; the speaking proficiency of the students of newlinethe English-medium schools and the regional-medium schools in Tamil Nadu; newlineEnglish as a second language at the tertiary level in Tamil Nadu and in the newlineIndian context; the speaking proficiency of the newline newline
Pagination: xxxix, 286p.
Appears in Departments:Faculty of Science and Humanities

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