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Title: Study of heat transfer and fluid flow through microchannel heat sink
Researcher: Vinoth R
Guide(s): Senthil kumar D
Keywords: Engineering and Technology,Engineering,Engineering Mechanical
heat transfer
University: Anna University
Completed Date: 2018
Abstract: The performance of oblique finned microchannel heat sink with newlinedifferent channel cross sections was investigated by experimentally and newlinenumerically. The three-channel cross sections namely trapezoidal, square and newlinesemi-circle were analyzed by using Al2O3/water nanofluid with 0.25% newlinevolume fraction and water as a coolant. The cooling areas have become newlinesmaller and more heat dissipated from smaller volume. Owing to several newlinetechnological advancements in microprocessor and microchips. During the newlinepast few decades the overheating of electronic components is dissipated using newlinemicrochannel and forced fluid flow. This is the direct cause of the research newlineand development in the field of microchannel heat sinks in electronic newlineapplications.The oblique fins in a microchannel heat sink give rise to uniform newlinesecondary flow which enhances the flow mixing and improves the heat newlinetransfer rate significantly. The nanofluid is the colloidal suspension of a newlinenanosized metal particle in base fluids which causes high heat transfer newlinecapacity, and high thermal conductivity of nanofluids.The oblique finned microchannel heat sinks of size 80 x 48 mm2 were designed with three different channel cross-sections namely trapezoidal, newlinesquare and semicircle. The channel was made of copper and the fins were newlinedesigned with an oblique angle of 26° newline newline
Pagination: xxii, 129p.
Appears in Departments:Faculty of Mechanical Engineering

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