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Title: Certain investigations on near Lossless and lossless image Compression of still images
Researcher: Pasumpon Pandian, A
Guide(s): Sivanandam, S N
Keywords: Arithmetic compression System
Information and Communication engineering
Near Lossless Image Compression
Set Partitioning in Hierarchical Trees
Upload Date: 19-Sep-2014
University: Anna University
Completed Date: 01-04-2012
Abstract: Still image compression is an important issue in internet mobile newlineCommunications digital library digital photography multimedia newlineteleconferencing applications etc It would be obvious that the present and newlinefuture applications in multimedia space medical and other areas would focus newlineon the problem of optimizing storage space transmission bandwidth and newlinegetting quality image when decompression In many of these applications big newlinesavings in terms of bit rate can be achieved without any loss of information by newlinethe use of a suitable new model and coding method newlineIn proposed Near Lossless Image Compression NLIC algorithm newlinesimple arithmetic shift is applied on the gray scale image pixels then these newlinepixels are arranged sequentially by the selected scan order and finally the newlineHuffman coding is applied to code the gray scale image The near lossless can newlinebe achieved with competitive performance compared to the existing newlineArithmetic compression System ACS and Set Partitioning in Hierarchical newlineTrees SPIHT especially for satellite imaging Also this algorithm achieves newlinebetter PSNR Value with good compression rate compared to the State of theart newlineschemes for the gray scale standard test images newline newline
Pagination: xiv, 111p.
Appears in Departments:Faculty of Information and Communication Engineering

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