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Title: Personality and success level prediction of individuals using soft skills measures and its performance evaluation
Researcher: Nanthini, V P
Guide(s): Rhymend Uthariaraj, V
Keywords: Performance Evaluation
personality assessment
Soft Skills
ttitudinal behaviora
Upload Date: 12-Sep-2014
University: Anna University
Completed Date: n.d.
Abstract: In spite of significant development of research on personality with newlinethe Big Five Model in diversified areas there is still much to be learned about newlinethe impact of personality assessment in predicting the lifes success of an newlineindividual Personality of an individual is an integration of attitudinal newlinebehavioral and emotional characteristics Personality traits which are unique newlinecharacteristics or qualities are found to be prospective predictors of success of newlineindividuals When it is suitably applied one individual can certainly outshine newlinein future by overcoming the limitations and enhancing the powers Common newlinecharacteristics of successful individuals tend to remain wholehearted newlineoptimistic remain confident certain and sure in their thoughts and actions newlineOn the contrary characteristics of unsuccessful people constantly lack newlineconfidence pessimistic and rarely guess success as they have fear of failure newlineand hence they do not make an attempt to handle the task newlineIf the study is carried out for students the prediction will be newlineextremely helpful in shaping them appropriately at all levels such as newlineacademics career etc and to stay and remain to be successful throughout newlinetheir life The personality evaluation models that are in existence are as newlinefollows newlineNeuroticism Extraversion Openness to Experience newlinePersonality Inventory Revised NEO PIR newlineAchievement Motivation Scale AMS newlinePersonality assessment has its relevance in education learning and newlinecounseling It is an extensively researched topic with the prediction of newlineacademic success of students using NEO PIR NEO PIR with Achievement newlineMotivation AM NEO PIR with Communication Skills CS and NEO PIR newlinewith Emotional Intelligence EI The majority of the extant researches were newlinerelated with identifying academic success of students by choosing the related newlineparameters like Grade Point Average GPA High School Grade Point newlineAverage HSGPA Intelligence Quotient IQ Scholastic Aptitude Test newlineSAT scores etc either by considering NEO PIR alone or combined with newlineAM or with EI Ones success depends more on Emotional Quotient EQ newlinera
Pagination: xviii,190p.
Appears in Departments:Faculty of Science and Humanities

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