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Title: Studies on Radiation level Radon Exhalation and Trace Element Concentration in Hassan District of South India
Researcher: Jagadeesha B G
Guide(s): Y Narayana
Keywords: Physical Sciences,Physics,Physics Condensed Matter
Radon Exhalation
University: Mangalore University
Completed Date: 
Abstract: newline Human beings are subjected to radiation exposure due to natural newlinebackground radiation, which comprises of cosmic radiation and newlineterrestrial radiation. They are also exposed to radiation due to inhalation newlineof thoron, radon and their progenies. The activity concentration of newlinenatural radionuclides in the environment varies from place to place. newlineThere are some regions in the environment where the outdoor terrestrial newlineradiation substantially exceeds the normal varied ranges, due to the newlineenrichment of certain radioactive minerals. Several radionuclides occur newlinenaturally in terrestrial soil, building materials and rocks. The radioactive newlineelements of Uranium and Thorium series contribute significantly to the newlineterrestrial radiation exposure. The decay of NORM produces gammabeta newlineradiation field in soil, which in turn crosses the soil-air interface newlineand results in terrestrial radiation exposure to human beings. Since newlineNORM is one of the main sources of human exposure. The radiation newlinedose from the natural radiation exposure and their effects on human newlinehealth would improve the understanding of damaging of cells by the newlineradiation.
Pagination: vii, 180
Appears in Departments:Department of Physics

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