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Title: Decision making tool for selection Of economically sustainable Hazardous waste landfill site
Researcher: Pandiyan p
Guide(s): Sivanesan S
Keywords: Hazardous waste
Hazardous waste landfill site
Management sciences
Upload Date: 5-Sep-2014
University: Anna University
Completed Date: 01-12-2011
Abstract: Continuous global environmental crisis and degradation has been a newlinechallenge for the sustainability of living on earth This threat was posed by newlineindustrialization high products need urbanization and population growth newlineactivities As a result hazardous waste generation has tremendously newlineincreased Landfill was one of the positive approaches to handle hazardous newlinewaste generated in great quantity The appropriate selection of landfill sites newlineplays a major role in the disposal of hazardous waste materials newlineThere are two goals in determining the hazardous waste landfill site newlineAny chosen landfill has to be environmentally stable and at the same time newlineeconomically sustainable in the long run The present methodology to select newlinethe landfill sites concentrates more on the environmental issues and more newlineweightage has been given for the environmental attributes The scope of the newlinestudy emphasizes on economic variables and once applied the ranking of the newlinesites is likely to change newline newline
Pagination: xv, 111.
Appears in Departments:Faculty of Management Studies

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