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Title: Load flow analysis with facts devices for well and ill conditioned systems
Researcher: Suresh Reddy, S
Guide(s): Jayaram Kumar, S V
Keywords: Power Flow Control, Static Var Compensator, Unified Power Flow Controller
Upload Date: 26-Aug-2011
University: Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University
Completed Date: June, 2009
Abstract: This thesis gives an over view of load flow solution to well and ill conditioned power systems with embedded FACTS devices. The basic operating principles of STATCOM, SVC, TCSC and UPFC are explained in this thesis, together with their steady state mathematical models. A realistic IEEE-14 bus power system is taken as a well conditioned system in this thesis. This system is modified into an ill-conditioned system by increasing the line resistance to four times the base case. Results are presented for the system under consideration with increasing values of resistances with and without incorporation of FACTS devices using conventional Newton Raphson algorithm.IWAMOTO optimal multiplier method ,Runge-kutta method and Newton s accelerated convergence method are used for obtaining power flow solution for ill conditioned systems . The 13 and 11 bus ill conditioned power systems are solved by the proposed methods with and without incorporation of FACTS devices.
Pagination: xiii, 198p.
Appears in Departments:Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering

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