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Title: Analysis and adaptation of quadratic linearization to the control of permanent magnet synchronous motor
Researcher: Parvathy A K
Guide(s): Kamaraj V
Keywords: electrical engineering
permanent magnet synchronous motor
quadratic linearization
Upload Date: 27-Aug-2014
University: Anna University
Completed Date: 01/06/2012
Abstract: The introduction of state variable model of the electrical machine newlinebased on direct and quadrature axes variables has paved the way for powerful newlinecontrol theories to be brought to bear on the problem of control of electric newlinemachine This has transformed the electric machine model to a standard newlinesystem theoretic model to which powerful system theoretic tools can be newlineapplied Linearization which is a system theoretic method of control is newlineapplied to motor control In particular control of permanent magnet newlinesynchronous motors PMSM is considered due to its increasing use in newlinevarious industrial fields and numerous advantages over other kinds of newlinemotors such as DC motors and induction motors because of their high newlinepower density large torque to inertia ratio high torque to current ratio and newlinehigh efficiency newline newline
Pagination: xxiii, 175p.
Appears in Departments:Faculty of Electrical and Electronics Engineering

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