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dc.coverage.spatialOptical delay line filters using constrained least square approachen_US
dc.description.abstractOptical filters play an important role in wavelength division multiplexing system They are also used in various optical signal processing functions such as multiplexing demultiplexing of optical signals balancing the signal power adding dropping channels gain equalization and dispersion compensation Optical delay lines function on the basis of optical group delay It is one of the main properties of an optical filter Some of the applications of optical delay lines include optical communication systems and phased array systems The group delay response is primarily based on optical filter dispersive properties Optical lattice circuits have no intrinsic loss since they always have just two output ports regardless of the number of stages The shortcomings in transversal filter are overcome by employing lattice architecture In this work the synthesis and analysis of lattice form optical delay line structure for different optical signal processing applications has been carried Initially the design of an efficient five port and three port lattice form Finite Impulse Response optical delay line filter has been done Then 1 5 and 1 3 based Infinite Impulse Response delay line filters are also synthesized and analyzed The design approaches have the similar filter characteristics as that of the conventional electronic digital filters newlineen_US
dc.format.extentxix, 162p.en_US
dc.titleSynthesis of optical delay line filters using constrained least square approachen_US
dc.creator.researcherPrakash Pen_US
dc.subject.keywordInformation and communication engineeringen_US
dc.subject.keywordMultiplexing systemen_US
dc.subject.keywordOptical communication systemen_US
dc.subject.keywordOptical delay line filteren_US
dc.description.noteReferences p.152-160en_US
dc.contributor.guideGanesh madhan Men_US
dc.publisher.universityAnna Universityen_US
dc.publisher.institutionFaculty of Information and Communication Engineeringen_US
Appears in Departments:Faculty of Information and Communication Engineering

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