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dc.description.abstractBackground: newlineLow back pain is a common problem faced by an expecting mother in newlinethe initial days. Pregnancy is a stage of womanhood where she undergoes newlinephysiological changes, musculoskeletal changes, biomechanical changes, newlineetc. The musculoskeletal changes in the body are changes in posture due to newlineprotruding abdomen, laxity of the ligaments due to hormones. The hormonal newlinechanges during pregnancy mainly relaxin leads to laxity of the joints around newlinethe lumbar region and pelvis. Low back pain is more experienced during the newlinesecond trimester resulting in reduced ability to perform functional activities newlinewhich may further worsen. Acetaminophen was the medical drug prescribed newlineto reduce pain. Various treatment methods like physiotherapy, acupuncture, newlineand aerobics can be given to relieve pain. Yoga helps to ease the low back newlinepain and attain good posture while standing and sitting. Postures in yoga have newlinebenefits of strengthening and also correcting the balance and body posture. newlineThe low back pain treated in the second trimester has its continued effect onto newlinethe third trimester and post-delivery phase also. newlineMethods: newlineA total of 306 pregnant women with low back pain were screened for newlinethe study, out of which 300 were assessed and randomized into 2 groups newlinebased on inclusion criteria where pregnant women who were suffering from newlinelow back pain which was further restricting their normal daily activities were newlinerecruited. Group -1 had 150 participants out of which 9 participants dropped newlineout of study and group- 2 had 150 participants out of which 12 participants newlinedropped out of study. The pain was assessed with VAS score of 0-10 and newlineviii newlinedisability was assessed using MODI. Group -1 participants were treated with newlineyoga asanas and group-2 participants were treated by giving medical advice newlineto take acetaminophen, external application of topical gel and superficial heat newlinemodalities. newlineResults: newlineThe Mean±SD age of 279 pregnant women in the study was 24.97± newline1.89 years in group-1 and 24.64±1.83 in group -2. newlineIn group-1, Mean±SD for VAS among group was compared between newlineday-1 and day-56 was 4.95±0.86 and 0.15±0.79 with p valuelt 0.001. The newlineMean ±SD for MODI score among group was compared between day-1 and newlineday-56 and it was 25.76±2.75 and 7.56±3.06 with p valuelt 0.001. The Mean newline±SD for MODI % among group was compared between day-1 and day-56 and newlineit was 51.52±5.50 and 15.12±6.12 with p valuelt 0.001. newlineIn group -2, Mean±SD for VAS among group was compared between newlineday-1 and day-56 and it was 5.12±0.67 and 3.78±1.125 with p valuelt 0.001. newlineThe Mean ±SD for MODI score among group was compared between day-1 newlineand day-56 and it was 27.36±1.97 and 21.05±4.39 with p valuelt 0.001. The newlineMean ±SD for MODI % among group was compared between day-1 and day- newline56 and it was 54.70±3.92 and 42.17±8.84 with p valuelt 0.001. newlineMann Whitney U test was used to analyze the VAS score between the newlinegroups on day 56 where Mean±SD in group-1 was 0.15 ±0.79 and in group-2 newlinewas 3.78±1.125 with p value lt 0.001 proving that there was an significant newlineimprovement in VAS score after intervention in both groups but group-1 had newlinebetter pain reduction than group-2. Unpaired t test was used to analyze the newlineMODI score between the groups on day 56 where Mean±SD in group-1 was newlineix newline7.56±3.06 and in group-2 was 21.05±4.38 with p value lt 0.001 and MODI % newlinebetween the groups on day 56 where Mean±SD in group-1 was 15.12±6.12 newlineand in group-2 was 42.17±8.84 with p value lt 0.001 between the proving that newlinethere was significant improvement in MODI after intervention in both groups newlinebut group-1 had better improvement and reduced disability compared to newlinegroup-2. newlineCONCLUSION: newlineThis study proves that yoga asanas performed for 56 days reduces low newlineback pain and disability. It may also improve the quality of life in pregnant newlinewomen in the 2nd trimester pregnancy with a well-being feel. Implementing newlineyoga in low back pain can be cost effective and may provide alternative plan newlineof treatment.
dc.titleEffect of Yoga On Low Back Pain In Second Trimester Of Pregnancy
dc.creator.researcherPREM KUMAR.B.N
dc.description.noteLow back pain, 2nd trimester pregnancy, yoga asanas, acetaminophen, VAS, MODI
dc.contributor.guideHarish Shetty
dc.publisher.universityNitte University
dc.publisher.institutionDepartment of Physiotherapy November
Appears in Departments:Department of Physiotherapy

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