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dc.coverage.spatialReconfigurable Optical components for Intelligent optical networken_US
dc.description.abstractThe exponential growth of internet traffic and multimedia related applications such as commercial TV or video broadcast high definition TV requires very high bandwidth transport network facilities The requirement of high capacity is satisfied only with optical network In the existing optical network optics is merely used for transmission A significant amount of research and development effort has been spent over the last decade to add more functionality at the optical level which leads us to the next generation newlineintelligent optical networks These networks make use of optical routing of signals in addition to optical transmission This has motivated the research on reconfigurable Optical Add Drop Multiplexers and high speed optical switches capable of providing reconfigurable high bandwidth end to end optical connections high speed protection of ligthpaths and efficient bandwidth utilization Reconfigurable wavelength add drop multiplexers has been designed based on parallel long period waveguide grating structure made of polymer material The RWADM exhibits a tuning speed in picoseconds newlinerange crosstalk of 59dB and insertion loss of 9dB The number of dropped channels is varied by making use of electro optic effect in polymer waveguide structure making the RWADM to provide flexible lightpath connections Polymer electro optic waveguide switch is designed for high speed protection of lightpaths The proposed 2 2 polymer electro optic waveguide switch has a coupling length of 81 m switching voltage of 85V newlinecrosstalk of 73dB and a very less switching time of 0 47ps This structure is useful in high speed protection switching newline newlineen_US
dc.format.extentxxi, 163p.en_US
dc.titleDesign and analysis of reconfigurable optical components for intelligent optical networken_US
dc.creator.researcherPonmalar Sen_US
dc.subject.keywordInformation and communication engineeringen_US
dc.subject.keywordIntelligent optical networken_US
dc.subject.keywordOptical componentsen_US
dc.description.noteReferences p.148-161,en_US
dc.contributor.guideSundaravadivelu Sen_US
dc.publisher.universityAnna Universityen_US
dc.publisher.institutionFaculty of Information and Communication Engineeringen_US
Appears in Departments:Faculty of Information and Communication Engineering

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