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Title: Potential of Selected Algae in Bioremediation of Waste Water
Researcher: Prabha, Yati
Guide(s): Soni, Satendra Kumar
University: Dayalbagh Educational Institute
Completed Date: 2017
Abstract: Despite the algal diversity and relatively inexpensive algal biomass, there has been little commercial exploitation of these micro-plants for the treatment of waste water. This study focused on algal importance with reference to the processes of algal bioremediation. It also identifies the area where research gives to the world an Algal Based Bioremediation for cleaning the water bodies. Surveys in Agra indicate that water bodies contain lot of pollutants. The problem starts when this polluted water is put to uses. Pollutants are also known as to affect the people health adversely. Research efforts have been devoted to bioremediate polluted water through some selected algae (Spirogyra sp., Pithophora sp., Spirulina platensis, S.maxima, Hydrodictyon reticulatum and Chlorella minutissima) and explore as the most efficient algae with high biodegradation capabilities of pollutants. The result revealed that these algae prove effective to minimize various physico-chemical aspects of water. Remediation through algae against waste water provides an effective and environmentally acceptable option for waste water remediation. Algal bioremediation considered as a suitable technology for treating waste water in an economical way as compared to other conventional treatment. newline
Appears in Departments:Department of Botany

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