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Title: Health and Sanitation Scenario in Selected Urban Slums A Micro Level Study
Researcher: Sree Bhagyalakshmi A
Guide(s): Sherly Thomas
Keywords: Sanitation, Health, Slum, Hygiene, Education, Intervention programme
University: Avinashilingam Deemed University For Women
Completed Date: 27/02/2018
Abstract: Sanitation, hygiene and cleanliness are the trait of a civilized society. Sanitation is critical newlinefor health and substantial socio-economic development. (UNICEF, 2012).Health status is a key newlineindicator of human wellbeing. The health of people not only depends on the number of doctors newlineand hospitals, but also on a clean and safe environment. Health is a major issue for women in newlineurban slums .The unhealthy physical environment leads to sickness, demanding medical treatment newlinewhich results in the loss of working days followed by economic loss leads to inability to invest in newlinea clean environment. The vicious circle continues and requires some external force to break this newlinecycle. The study tries to examine the Socio-Economic conditions of selected slum households and newlineanalyze the existing sanitation and its influence on the health of the slum households The study newlineinvestigates the various problems faced by the slum women in following hygiene practices. The newlinestudy concludes that through proper educational intervention programme, awareness on better newlinesanitation and hygiene can be created and thereby there can be improvement in the health of urban newlineslum dwellers. newlineMajor objectives : newlinea. To examine the Socio-Economic conditions of selected slum households. newlineb. To analyze the existing sanitation and its influence on the health of the slum newlinehouseholds. newlinec. To study the various problems faced by the slum women in following hygiene newlinepractices. newlined. To study the implementation of sanitation and hygiene programmes initiated by newlinethe government newlinee. To suggest remedial measures to improve the sanitation and thereby the health newlinestatus of the people. newlineii) Hypothesis newline1. The health status is independent of the socio economic conditions newline2. There is no correlation between Sanitation factors and the health status newline3. There is no significant improvement in the hygiene and sanitation practices after the newlineeducational intervention newlineiii) Methodology : newlineiv) Coimbatore Corporation is divided into five zones. Each zone has 20 wards. newlineDetails of the slums in Coimbatore
Pagination: 199 p.
Appears in Departments:Department of Economics

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