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Title: Development of monitoring and remedial system for power quality improvement
Researcher: Chandrasekar P
Guide(s): Kamaraj V
Keywords: electrical engineering
quality improvement
remedial system
Upload Date: 21-Aug-2014
University: Anna University
Completed Date: 01/04/2012
Abstract: In recent years the topic of electric power quality monitoring and newlineits remedial system has assumed great importance Detection and newlineclassification of power system disturbances based on its visual inspection is newlinenot accurate Due to the difficulties imposed by Fourier transform wavelet newlinetransform is widely used for power quality analysis in the past decade Even newlinethen few types of disturbances namely sag and momentary interruptions are newlinenot being identified in the wavelet domain due to its irregularities Hence newlineexisting automatic recognition methods need much improvement in terms of newlinetheir versatility reliability and accuracy newlineIn this work certain aspects of power quality monitoring and its newlineremedial system is studied To improve the effectiveness of power quality newlinemonitoring algorithm the modified wavelet transformation is proposed The newlinemathematical formulation proposed technique is derived and validated using newlineMATLAB simulation results newline newline
Pagination: vii,98P.
Appears in Departments:Faculty of Electrical and Electronics Engineering

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