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Title: Multi objective optimization of transmission system performance through optimal placement of tcscs using swarm intelligent techniques
Researcher: Jaya christa S T
Guide(s): Venkatesh P
Keywords: electrical engineering
Upload Date: 21-Aug-2014
University: Anna University
Completed Date: 01/11/2011
Abstract: In the recent years the increasing industrialization along with the rapid newlineurbanization of society has resulted in a huge increase in power demand of the newlinepower systems In order to cater to this increase in power demand the newlinecapacity of the transmission systems needs to be increased In this scenario newlineconstruction of new transmission lines becomes nearly impossible owing to newlinethe high investment costs coupled with other factors such as time taken for newlineconstruction and disruption of the existing system Consequently utilizing the newlinemaximum capacity of the existing transmission lines becomes very necessary newlineRight now the emerging technology of Flexible AC Transmission newlineSystemsFACTS is widely used for enhancing the capability of the newlinetransmission systems FACTS devices have the capability to control various newlineelectrical parameters in transmission circuits and are environmentally friendly newlinetoo A number of FACTS devices have been put forward and some of them newlineare Thyristor Controlled Series Compensator TCSC Static VAR newlineCompensator Unified Power Flow Controller and Static Compensator newline newline
Pagination: viii,187P.
Appears in Departments:Faculty of Electrical and Electronics Engineering

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