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Title: Estimation of natural radioactivity of beach sands in south coast of india
Researcher: Ajithra A.K
Guide(s): Shanthi G
University: Manonmaniam Sundaranar University
Completed Date: 2018
Abstract: Natural radiation is a fact of life. All living organisms have been exposed continuously to ionizing radiation, which always existed naturally. People are constantly exposed to small amounts of ionizing radiation from the environment as they carry out their normal daily activities is known as natural background radiation. Naturally Occurring Radioactive Materials (NORMs) is a source of natural radiation found on earth of terrestrial origin or from natural processes. There are three categories of radiation classiand#64257;ed according to their origin as cosmogenic, primordial and manand#8722;made radiation. Cosmogenic radiation are originated from the interaction of cosmic rays with stable nuclides present in the Earth s atmosphere. Primordial radiation are present in the Earth s crust since the formation of earth. Manand#8722;made radiation commonly present in natural environments are principally derived from radioactive fallout from atmospheric nuclear weapons testing and peaceful applications of nuclear technology like nuclear power plants for electricity generation and the associated nuclear fuel cycle facilities. Humans are subjected to low levels of natural radioactivity from their surroundings every day of their lives, which is mainly due to the activity concentration of primordial radionuclides 232Th, 238U and their decay products, and 40K which are present in the Earth s crust. newlineOne of the major interests in studies of natural background radiation is the need to establish reference levels, especially in areas where the risk of radioactive material being released to the environment is high. There is, also a world wide interest in identifying new areas with high natural radiation. newline
Pagination: xxi, 183p.
Appears in Departments:Department of Chemistry

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