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Title: Design and development of dsp based facts controllers
Researcher: Arockia edwin X S
Guide(s): Venkatesh P
Keywords: Converter
facts controllers
Upload Date: 19-Aug-2014
University: Anna University
Completed Date: 01/06/2012
Abstract: The Flexible AC Transmission System FACTS technology is used newlinebecause of easy power flow control and also it increases maximum power newlinetransfer capability FACTS controllers are also used to control the interrelated newlineparameters such as series impedance shunt impedance current voltage newlinephase angle and oscillations Recent advances in the power electronic newlinestatic switches have made the use of the Voltage Source Converter newlineVSC feasible at both the transmission and distribution levels As a result newlineStatic Compensator STATCOM Static Synchronous Series Compensator newlineSSSC and Unified Power Flow Controller UPFC have been developed newlineThere is a lack of clear comparison of performance of different newlinecontrollers for STATCOM in dSPACE environment which is a real time newlinesimulation software and has lot of advantages over other simulation software newline newline
Pagination: viii, 113P.
Appears in Departments:Faculty of Electrical and Electronics Engineering

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